Hospital projects

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A study on problems related to accounting & billing system of hospitals

A study on problems related to accounting & billing system of hospitals

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report A study on problems rel..


A Study on the Efficiency of CSSD (or any other department of a multi-specialty hospital)

A Study on the Efficiency of CSSD (or any other department of a multi-specialty hospital)

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report A Study on the Efficien..


A Study on the Identification of Causes of Delays in Patient Transfer (Internal/ External) and Recommendations to Decrease Waiting Time and Increase Patient Satisfaction
A Study on the Identification of High Risk Groups Prone to Spinal Disorders /Diabetes-/Heart Attacks (or any other lifestyle condition) and Corresponding Prevention Recommendations
A Study on the Identification of the Causes of Delays in Cashless Hospitalisation and Recommendations to Reduce Time Lags

A Study on the Identification of the Causes of Delays in Cashless Hospitalisation and Recommendations to Reduce Time Lags

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report A Study on the Identifi..


A Study on the Wellness Practices in a Target Group (MNC Employees, School Children and Older Adults) and Recommendations on Wellness Practices
A Study on the Wellness Practices in a Target Group (MNC Employees, School Children and Older Adults) and Recommendations on Wellness Practices
comparative study of in-house pharmacy and retail pharmacy.

comparative study of in-house pharmacy and retail pharmacy.

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report Comparative study of in-hous..


comparative study on cost analysis of the various departments in a hospital and cost-cutting recommendations

comparative study on cost analysis of the various departments in a hospital and cost-cutting recommendations

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report Comparative study on co..


comparative study on patient satisfaction in executive suites and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

comparative study on patient satisfaction in executive suites and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report Comparative study on pa..


comparative study on patient satisfaction in General ward and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

comparative study on patient satisfaction in General ward and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report Comparative study on pa..


comparative study on patient satisfaction in Laboratory services and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

comparative study on patient satisfaction in Laboratory services and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report Comparative study on pa..


comparative study on patient satisfaction in Out-patient department and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

comparative study on patient satisfaction in Out-patient department and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

Project Report  New Product Details: Project report Comparative study on pa..


comparative study on patient satisfaction in VIP suites and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

comparative study on patient satisfaction in VIP suites and recommendations to increase patient satisfaction

Project Report  New Product Details: Project reportComparative study on patient ..


Showing 16 to 30 of 66 (5 Pages)